Turtle.Club Whitepaper


Our choice to name the project "Turtle" stems from a multitude of factors carefully considered to encapsulate our vision and values. Firstly, turtles symbolize resilience and endurance, having thrived for over two hundred million years, shielded by their impenetrable shells. This innate resilience resonates with our desire to create a project that withstands the challenges of Web3. Moreover, the name "Turtle" is short, memorable, and easy to pronounce, making it accessible to a global audience, including non-English speakers. Turtle strikes a chord with our Web3 target demographic, who universally appreciate the enduring charm of turtles.

Importantly, in an environment often fraught with mistrust, "Turtle" radiates a sense of trust and security, fostering confidence in our community. Furthermore, the choice aligns seamlessly with our solar punk theme, contrasting the overused and ominous connotations of cyberpunk with a brighter, more optimistic outlook. Extensive market research, including feedback from friends and LPs, consistently ranked "Turtle" as the top choice. Notably, the name has yet to be claimed by any significant projects, offering us a unique identity in the industry

Embracing the memeability of the name, we recognize the power of meme marketing as a cost-effective and engaging tool to build our community. Ultimately, "Turtle" embodies our commitment to creating a loyal and resilient community, where members are central to our ethos and collective success at Turtle.

Turtle: A Modular Phantom Liquidity Protocol

The turtle protocol ("Turtle Protocol") embodies a revolutionary shift in how liquidity flows within Web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi). As a modular phantom infrastructure layer and liquidity protocol, the Turtle Protocol sits underneath all of the L1, L2, bridges, base assets (wBTC, LST, LRT, Stablecoin & RWA), and dApps (lending & borrowing, vaults, spot & perp DEXes) that plug into it. Allowing our protocol partners ("Turtle Partner Protocols") to tap into our liquidity, LP/user base (liquidity provider), and dApp ecosystems.

Our core mission is to open up backroom liquidity fostering greater transparency and equity within the space, by addressing liquidity and user fragmentation, optimizing liquidity utilization, enhancing risk-adjusted yields, and elevating Web3 security standards through our technical solution. The Turtle Protocol aims to cultivate sustainable growth across DeFi and bolster the competitive advantage of Web3 liquidity rails over conventional TradFi counterparts. Accelerating the transition of capital and growth to the ‘Internet of Money’.

Turtle has a world-class community comprising leading Web3 professionals, liquidity providers ("LPs"), smart contract auditors, developers, and contributors.

The Turtle Protocol leverages superior collective security and bargaining power through its modular liquidity infrastructure layer. It facilitates users to harness all the benefits of streamlining liquidity across every level of the Web3 stack protocol, without granting access or losing control of their liquidity positions, or taking on any additional smart contract and counterparty risk (honey pot).

Problems in Web3 & DeFi

In the realm of Web3, DeFi, and memecoins, what should be a sophisticated financial network often resembles a digital game of hot potatoes. Turtle is dedicated to tackling the obstacles that impede sustainable growth and compromise the future of Web3. Key issues include:

Protocol Liquidity Demand: The demand for liquidity amongst protocols is greater than the market's ability to meet that demand. As a result, many new protocols are unable to provide sufficient liquidity for their application to work on an economic scale.

Web3 Security: Security presents significant challenges within the Web3 ecosystem. Major VC firms, hedge funds, and whales often overlook smart contract audits and focus only on established Dapps. This selective approach restricts liquidity in Web3. Moreover, conflicts of interest in audit processes undermine the security and trust in DeFi protocols, heightening the risk of breaches. Additionally, insufficient investment in security exposes liquidity providers (LPs) to high levels of counterparty risk, resulting in frequent and underreported hacks.

Risk-Adjusted Returns: The ecosystem faces challenges related to returns and yields. LPs are exposed to unacceptable levels of risk, hindering ecosystem adoption and growth. Low liquidity utilization and high counterparty risks further discourage potential LPs, slowing the organic expansion of DeFi and resulting in negative real yields.

Liquidity and User Fragmentation: Currently, user acquisition and protocol onboarding face significant friction, highlighting the urgent need for streamlined solutions to enhance liquidity accessibility and reduce fragmentation within Web3.

Lack of Transparency: The ecosystem grapples with transparency and trust issues. The opacity surrounding backroom VC and liquidity deals, risks, rewards, and protocol operations undermines trust and impedes informed decision-making. Emerging protocols face a trust deficit and struggle to establish credibility, which increases their cost of capital, hinders their ability to attract and retain liquidity, and stifles innovation

Forkable value proposition: A lack of unforkable value propositions makes protocols easy to vampire attack, causing liquidity and mercenary capital to bounce from one protocol to another, preventing the formation of mature protocols across the Web3 stack.

All these problems trigger a negative flywheel effect, where decreased LP involvement leads to less liquidity, which in turn results in a deteriorating user experience (UX) and reduced user activity

Agnostic Modular Liquidity Layer

The Turtle Protocol distinguishes itself as a protocol-agnostic modular liquidity layer, setting itself apart from platforms such as Convex that sit on top of the dApp layer, which introduces additional layers of smart contracts on top of Curve pools. This layering can lead to liquidity lock-in, increased technical debt, heightened counterparty protocol risk, and elevated gas costs for users engaging with Curve pools or dApps.

In stark contrast, the Turtle Protocol sits below all of the protocols that plug into it (i.e., below the Turtle Partner Protocols). It operates without the need for smart contracts, eliminating the complexities, expenses, and risks associated with deploying liquidity within smart contracts and additional layers of complexity.

The permissionless modular phantom liquidity layer guarantees that Turtle never handles or routes liquidity on behalf of the users such as Liquidity Providers (LPs), meaning the Turtle Protocol is entirely self-custodial. LPs interact directly with the Turtle Partner Protocols, which sit on top of the Turtle Protocol, ensuring a streamlined and efficient liquidity deployment process

The First Phantom & Liquidity Layer Zero

Introducing the first phantom protocol and layer zero—a groundbreaking approach that operates without smart contracts, yet leverages the full advantages of a conventional protocol while sidestepping its limitations.

The Turtle Protocol aggregates liquidity via API wallet tracking across all registered wallets, empowering it to acquire and manage Total Value Locked (TVL) across diverse chains and dApps. This ensures liquidity presence across multiple chains and protocols simultaneously, with each wallet serving as a pivotal 'link' in the phantom chain, expanding reach, capacity, and exposure within the Web3 liquidity market.

Phantom TVL - denotes the cumulative liquidity value of all wallets/links within the phantom chain. For instance, if ten wallets are registered to the Turtle Protocol with each wallet holding $1 million, the phantom chain TVL would amount to $10 million.

Boosted Turtle TVL - signifies the TVL for which the Turtle Protocol currently provides a yield boost. This metric can theoretically surpass the aggregate phantom TVL. For instance, if a Turtle LP diversifies its liquidity across multiple Turtle Partner Protocols, the Boosted Turtle TVL increases correspondingly, multiplying each time a Turtle LP diversifies its liquidity across additional Turtle Partner Protocols that provide our TurtleDAO with a yield boost.

As Turtle advances its API capabilities, ecosystem partners will gain real-time insights into liquidity across the Turtle phantom chain. These insights could be used to create targeted liquidity campaigns to incentivize and direct underutilized liquidity toward their protocols and use cases.

The Turtle Protocol distinguishes itself by eschewing smart contracts and tech stacks, a deliberate choice aimed at preventing the introduction of further complexity and technical liabilities, whilst preventing competition with our Turtle Partner Protocols. This approach ensures accessibility for users and protocols alike, eliminating barriers to entry and all the costs and expenses associated with building a completely new tech stack from the ground up.

In contrast to Convex, the Turtle Protocol sits below all the Turtle Partner Protocols that plug into it, not on top of them. Whilst leveraging collective liquidity to boost yields for its LPs. However, unlike Convex, the Turtle Protocol:

● Never acts as a counterparty in any LP transaction within Web3.

● Never controls or handles users' liquidity (entirely self-custodial), ensuring utmost security and autonomy.

The absence of smart contracts offers several advantages for the Turtle Protocol:

● Maintaining agility and adaptability, seamlessly integrating with various protocols without added complexity.

● Minimizing technical debt and counterparty risk by eliminating an additional smart contract layer.

● Reducing gas fees for depositing and withdrawing funds from Turtle Partner Protocols.

● Mitigating regulatory risks associated with non-custodial protocol operation.

● Does not create Honey Pots

The Turtle Protocol does not have any smart contracts or tech stacks, as we didn’t want to create another layer of complexity and technical debt, creating a barrier of entry for our users and Turtle Partner Protocols.

Enhanced Security for Turtle Protocols

Through bespoke partnerships with ConsenSys Diligence, Omniscia.io, Code4Arena, and Creed, and our in-house auditing team/community, Turtle takes proactive security measures to safeguard the funds of our LPs and the broader Web3 community. We are committed to working closely with Turtle Partner Protocols to develop robust and resilient Web3 Lego blocks. These blocks are designed to integrate seamlessly with each other throughout the Web3 stack, fortified against potential vulnerabilities. Failure to adequately secure these blocks could result in dangerous liquidity repurposing and compound counterparty risks across Web3, potentially leading to catastrophic cascading liquidation events and their associated consequences.

Join the Club

To become a Turtle member, the first step is agreeing to our terms and conditions and verifying the ownership of your wallet through a signed message.

Upon registration, our novel Turtle API automatically whitelists the member's address. Making them eligible for Turtle points/emissions and enabling the Turtle API to monitor all the liquidity and emissions our members deploy within Turtle partner protocols.

Liquidity Repurposing & Turtle Emissions Boost

Turtle empowers LPs to enhance their Turtle emissions by rewarding them whenever they provide liquidity to Turtle Partner Protocols and generate a contribution to the TurtleDAO. Turtle LPs can generate multiple contributions to the TurtleDAO with the same underlying liquidity by repurposing their liquidity across multiple Turtle Partner Protocols. With each instance of liquidity repurposing, Turtle Partner Protocols contribute to the TurtleDAO, triggering reward distributions to both the LPs and Turtle Partner Protocols in Turtle emissions.

Largest Margins in DeFi

Turtle stands as a formidable force in DeFi, boasting some of the highest margins in the industry. The TurtleDAO earns 25% of all the native token emissions Turtle users earn at the end of each epoch, for example:

Every time a Turtle LP repurposes its liquidity across another Turtle Partner Protocol that is paying emissions, the TurtleDAO receives an additional contribution without having any sort of access to or control over the Turtle LP's liquidity position in the Turtle Partner Protocol.

In a favorable market environment, where yields for Turtle LPs range between 20 to 200%+ APY. The TurtleDAO generates approximately 200 to 2000 basis points on the underlying total value locked (TVL) of Turtle LPs/users. These earnings multiples are around 20x to 80x greater than the typical LSTs/LRTs protocols (depending on the repurposing rate and APYs our LPs earn), illustrating exceptional margins and profitability when receiving large allocations in innovative Turtle Partner Protocols early on in their life cycle.

Direct vs Indirect protocol fees

In contrast to Yearn, the Turtle Protocol operates without levying any fees on its LPs liquidity. Instead, the Turtle Protocol generates value for its Turtle Partner Protocols through various means such as accumulating tokens, facilitating liquidity provisioning and business development, conducting security reviews, and engaging in marketing activities. By doing so, Turtle shifts the contribution burden onto its protocol partners, thereby making it highly advantageous for LPs to join the Turtle Protocol liquidity . LPs stand to benefit from Turtle emissions, representing a form of compensation for the services provided towards the Turtle Protocol, Turtle Partner Protocol, and/or the TurtleDAO, while also minimizing their exposure to counterparty risk.

Referrals - Ending the Era of self referrals

With the rise and success of questionable MLM team referral programs (blast/manta new paradigm), referrals have become a big money maker for LPs in Web3 (ImpossibleFinance has made ~150 ETH from referrals to XAI). The Turtle referral program will issue Turtle emissions to any LP using the Turtle referral code, allowing LPs to benefit directly from using the Turtle referral link, rather than self referring or using an influencer referral code that does not pass on any rewards to the LP.

Turtle referral codes provide our community with an extra opportunity to support the TurtleDAO while earning Turtle points alongside the Turtle yield boost.

Turtle LPs can now earn additional Turtle points by utilizing Turtle referral codes, with each contribution made through these codes adding [Turtle points / Turtle emissions] to the TurtleDAO treasury. This marks a shift from the previous practice where LPs received no rewards for their efforts, bringing an end to the era of self-referrals. Concurrently, LPs who join Turtle and deploy liquidity into Turtle Partner Protocols will continue to benefit from the Turtle yield boost. This boost is earned as their liquidity generates contributions to the TurtleDAO, resulting in the accrual of Turtle points.

Any user who joins Turtle is automatically eligible for the Turtle yield boost on our Turtle Partner Protocols, irrespective of whether they use a Turtle referral code. However, LPs utilizing Turtle referral codes will earn additional Turtle points on the points and tokens they refer to the TurtleDAO treasury, thereby augmenting their contributions to the TurtleDAO and receiving corresponding rewards. By using both the Turtle referral Codes and the Turtle yield boost, LPs can optimize their contributions to the TurtleDAO, leading to a higher accumulation of Turtle points. Combining these features means LPs make two distinct contributions to the TurtleDAO with the same underlying liquidity, resulting in increased Turtle points earned overall!

Parasitic liquidity vs Symbiotic liquidity

Vault aggregators are inherently parasitic in nature, as they farm, harvest, and dump protocol emissions. As such, they drain the liquidity and life out of the ecosystem they integrate with to compound the underlying vault LP tokens of their LPs. This causes continuous selling pressure and undermines every protocol they leach off of. They also introduce additional counterparty risks, technical debt, and gas fees. Another limitation they have is that they are not designed with point systems in mind.

In stark contrast, the Turtle Protocol fosters an inherently symbiotic relationship with its Turtle Partner Protocols. The goal of the Turtle Protocol and TurtleDAO is to support and accumulate large token allocations in all the best emerging protocols. TurtleDAO contributors can actively work with them to structure liquidity pools and strategies to improve liquidity utilization, improve and address security concerns, and help them attract and retain TVL. In addition, the Turtle Protocol is designed at its core to be flexible to accumulate multiple different types of contributions such as points to participate in large airdrops on behalf of the Turtle users.

Turtle Partner Protocol onboarding

Turtle is a protocol-agnostic liquidity layer dedicated to leveraging collective due diligence and bargaining power to establish sustainable liquidity partnerships across the DeFi landscape. These strategic alliances are designed to provide the Turtle LPs with enhanced yield opportunities while collaboratively addressing and mitigating counterparty protocol risks.

The process Turtle employs to forge these liquidity partnerships is organized into a series of steps that ensure each partnership aligns with our core values of transparency, security, and mutual benefit:

Seamless API integrations

  1. Proposal and Staking by Members:

● Users propose partnerships with innovative protocols they're interested in and stake their tokens to show support for deploying liquidity.

  1. Demand Assessment:

● Turtle representatives evaluate the level of interest among members to deploy liquidity into the proposed protocol.

  1. Partnership Proposition:

● Representatives approach the protocol with a partnership offer, leveraging the collective bargaining power to negotiate enhanced yields.

  1. Audit, Security Status, Needs and Evaluation:

● Turtle LPs and auditors perform a detailed technical and financial review of the protocol's codebase and economic model to identify any potential risks.

● During the review, we will assess the security needs of the project and guide the project toward a path of greater security.

  1. Security and Risk Mitigation:

● In collaboration with the protocol, Turtle establishes best security practices and addresses possible vulnerabilities.

  1. Integration and emissions:

● Following the finalization of terms, the Turtle Protocol integrates the protocol, enabling LPs to start receiving emissions for their deployed liquidity.

  1. Turtle Token pledging:

● Participating in Turtle token pledging involves committing Turtle tokens to Turtle Partner Protocols for an extended period, earning Turtle token staking LPs a higher proportion of rewards compared to non-Turtle token staking LPs. This commitment enhances Turtle's negotiating leverage during (re)negotiations with Turtle Partner Protocols.

  1. Settlement:

● At the end of each epoch, the Turtle Partner Protocols sends the agreed-upon emissions to TurtleDAO, which then distributes them to Turtle LPs based on the achieved multiplier and farmed emissions during the epoch.

● If the Turtle Partner Protocols qualify for Turtle emissions, the TurtleDAO allocates their pro rata portion accordingly.

This structured approach not only ensures that Turtle partnerships are established with due diligence, but also reinforces our commitment to fostering an ecosystem where transparency, security, and the mutual benefit of all stakeholders are paramount. Through frictionless networking and deal-making, collective security due diligence, self-regulation, and collective bargaining for yield enhancement, Turtle is redefining the standards of liquidity syndication in the DeFi space.


Turtle embraces an inflationary approach during the bootstrapping phase, providing contribution based emissions as an additional incentive for Turtle LPs to participate and interact with Turtle Partner Protocols. As the Turtle Protocol grows its on-chain verifiable liquidity base and bargaining power, Turtle emissions will start to transition to a deflationary model upon reaching the desired collective security and bargaining power

Turtle Token Distribution & TRT Vesting

Turtle tokens ("Turtle Token" or "TRT") will have a max supply of 1bn tokens.

AT TGE: Scheduled for Sept 2024

12.5% Turtle Points Program (125m TRT) after a 5 month campaign

  • 11%: of Turtle Tokens will be distributed to Turtle points holders at TGE

    • 8% Turtle LPs

    • 2% Turtle Partner Protocols based on $$$ DAO contributions

    • 1% Turtle Partner Protocols based on TVL & User onboarded to the Turtle Protocol via Turtle referral codes

  • 1.5 % of Turtle Tokens will be distributed to the community at TGE that join the club before April 9th that help with testing our API and Turtle site.

    • 0.2% Sign Ups and testing before launch

    • 1.3% Strategic LPs that commit new TVL to Turtle Protocol Partners and Early LPs that signed up before the 9th of April.

Post TGE:

50% Turtle Community allocation (500m TRT)

  • 35% Turtle LPs

    • 30% Turtle points based on $$$ DAO contributions at Turtle season end

    • 3% Turtle NFT holders based on NFT rank & rarity

    • 2% Strategic LPs that commit new TVL to Turtle Protocol Partners

  • 10% Turtle Partner Protocols

    • 8% based on $$$ DAO contributions

    • 2% based on TVL & User KPIs onboarded to the Turtle liquidity protocol

  • 5% TurtleDAO Treasury


    • 3% security grants, Turtle contributors & other

37.5% Team, Investors, Advisors (390.8m TRT)

  • 27.5% team & core contributors

  • 2% advisors

  • 8% investors

Please note: Subject to changes & given that TRT has an asymptotic issuance model, TRT will never reach its max supply.

TRT Vesting for Team, Investors, Advisors:


Seasoned based Asymptotic Turtle Token issuance model

Turtle Tokens benefit from ‘deflationary rebasement’, by implementing a seasoned based asymptotic issuance model that prevents token holder dilution by enforcing a higher Turtle Token ‘minting premium’ and thus a higher Turtle Token minting price for each season, ensuring Turtle Tokens are backed by a rising and interest bearing price floor. Each Turtle season, Turtle Tokens become more contribution intensive to mint as the TurtleDAO treasury and circulating supply expands, establishing an asymptotic equilibrium for Turtle Token issuance over the long-term.

Turtle Token (TRT) Minting Cost

  1. Turtle Token Minting Cost (MC) refers to the cost or the amount of DAO token contributions a Turtle Partner Protocol and Turtle LP need to make to the TurtleDAO in order to be assigned a new batch of Turtle Tokens. The MC can be described as a function of:

Turtle Tokens Minting Cost (MC) = Turtle Token Collateral Backing (CB) +Turtle Token Minting Premium (MP)

  1. Turtle Token Collateral Ratio (CR) describes the amount of interest-bearing assets underpinning each Turtle Token in circulation. As the Turtle Protocol earns and compounds yield and protocol fees, the amount of CB rises as more Turtle Tokens come into circulation, making it more capital intensive to mint TRT as the TurtleDAO treasury grows. The CB can be illustrated with the following formula:

  2. The Turtle Token Minting Premium (MP) determines the premium Turtle LPs must pay on top of the current Collateral Backing to mint new Turtle Tokens into existence, ensuring every new season and new Turtle Token issuance always benefits existing Turtle Token holders by creating deflationary pressure on the TurtleDAO treasury. This increases the collateral backing of each Turtle Token currently in circulation.

This creates a self-regulating, asymptotic token emission schedule, preventing Turtle Token holder dilution with each new season and Turtle Token issuance, solving the ‘LP token dumping problem’.

TurtleDAO Monetary Policy

TurtleDAO's monetary policy is crafted to provide an additional incentive through Turtle emissions atop all Turtle Partner Protocol liquidity pools. Our objective is to assist our Turtle Partner Protocols in attracting and retaining liquidity by co-incentivizing and leveraging their TVL at a higher utilization rate. This enables them to transition towards a more sustainable and productive liquidity model over time.

The issuance model of TurtleDAO is designed to enhance the collective bargaining power, security, and network effects of the Turtle liquidity , surpassing the pace of reduction in rewards for Turtle LPs and Turtle Partner Protocols. Consequently, Turtle DAO will adjust the Minting Cost (MC) of Turtle Tokens solely in response to significant growth in Turtle TVL and Turtle TVL (undeployed TVL). This allows the TurtleDAO to transition towards a more sustainable issuance and deflationary rebasement model as the Turtle Protocol expands, rewarding early contributors and increasing the interest-bearing price floor of each Turtle Token in circulation.

Turtle Token

The TurtleDAO treasury begins to reflect a distribution of the contributions made by Turtle Partner Protocols and the popularity of their protocols among Turtle LPs. As Turtle onboards more Turtle Partner Protocols, the TurtleDAO treasury begins to accumulate more tokens and diversify across a wider variety of popular tokens in the space.

In contrast to the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) with a massive AUM exceeding $500 billion and an annual fee of 0.0945% on AUM, Turtle Tokens stand out. Unlike SPY, Turtle Tokens incur no management fees on AUM or TVL. However, Turtle Tokens are not designed to generate passive income for holders, are not a form of participation/contribution/investment in the Turtle Protocol and are not designed as a means of payment. Instead, benefits to Turtle Token holders may come through other technical functionalities and utilities, such as contribution-based rewards (without the guarantee of and legal claim towards a fixed return). How does this work?

  1. No Carry and or Fees - Turtle Tokens do not charge any management fees.

  2. Staking rewards - Turtle Protocols tokens staked within the TurtleDAO treasury compound, increasing the TurtleDAO's holding of Turtle Protocols tokens. This backs every Turtle Token in circulation with a growing amount of each Turtle index toke

  3. Deflationary rebasement - Through our innovative asymptotic Turtle Token issuance model, minting Turtle Tokens becomes increasingly contribution-intensive over time, enhancing the backing of existing Turtle Tokens.

  4. Subscription & Protocol fees - If the Turtle Token community opts to launch a fee-generating membership program and/or service in the future, a portion of those fees will be used to purchase Turtle Partner Protocol tokens to increase the interest bearing price floor of each Turtle Token.

  5. Turtle Token Pledging - employs a strategic distribution model, rewarding Turtle Token stakers who commit to longer term liquidity commitments to Turtle Partner Protocols with additional Turtle Token as staking rewards.

Turtle Token Pledging Mechanism (V2 post TGE)

Turtle is dedicated to fostering enduring liquidity partnerships between Turtle LPs and Turtle Partner Protocols. The mechanism encourages Turtle LPs to solidify their commitment to a protocol by pledging Turtle Tokens (never the underlying LP) over a specified period. This innovative approach aims to cultivate lasting relationships within the ecosystem, particularly for those interested in long-term liquidity provision without active management. While Turtle Token pledging is optional, LPs not participating will still receive rewards in Turtle points for contributing liquidity to Turtle Partner Protocols, albeit at a reduced rate.

To incentivize Turtle Token pledges, Turtle employs a strategic distribution model, allocating a higher ratio of emissions to LPs who pledge their Turtle Tokens. This pledge acts as a staked deposit that can be withdrawn at any time.

The boost percentage varies based on factors such as the liquidity type sought by the Turtle Partner Protocol, the liquidity amount relative to staked Turtle Tokens, and the remaining commitment duration. When a Turtle LP removes their pledged LP deposit from a Turtle Partner Protocol before fulfilling their liquidity commitment, their staked Turtle Tokens incur a redemption penalty. Early removal of the LP position redistributes the staked Turtle Tokens to three addresses:

  • Turtle LP address

  • Turtle Partner Protocol’s Treasury address

  • Turtle Token burn address

This dynamic mechanism aligns the interests of Turtle LPs with those of Turtle Partner Protocols, ensuring mutual commitment and compliance. Turtle envisions an ecosystem where LPs can maximize the potential of their Turtle Tokens through sustained and committed liquidity provisioning

Please note Turtle Token pledging needs to be refined and is subject to change

The Trojan Turtle

The benevolent counterpart of the Trojan horse. The Trojan Turtle emerges as a catalyst for good within Turtle Partner Protocols, pioneering an innovative strategy to attract and retain new LPs. Through the introduction and integration of Turtle points as an additional yield mechanism on liquidity pools, the Trojan Turtle empowers Turtle Partner Protocols to elevate the appeal of their liquidity pools, thus bolstering their liquidity retention and enticing new LPs to try out their protocol through higher APYs.

Turtle Partner Protocols are encouraged to incorporate Turtle as an additional ‘yield symbol’ alongside native LP and token emissions, tethered to Turtle. However, LPs gain access to Turtle emissions solely upon acceptance of our Terms and Conditions, verified through the signing of the Turtle.Club registration message. This mutually beneficial arrangement not only augments LP yields but also furnishes invaluable and complimentary marketing exposure for Turtle directly within the liquidity pools themselves. Consequently, this approach not only facilitates LP acquisition, but also serves as an LP aggregator for the Turtle Partner Protocol, yielding positive synergistic effects.

Crucially, these Turtle emission boost symbols serve as conduits, directing LPs back to the Turtle website, facilitating registration and community engagement.

Leveraging Google Analytics data, we've observed remarkable effectiveness of the Trojan Turtle in attracting new LPs to Turtle, thereby bolstering our SEO rankings.

The ultimate result? Over time, we have anticipated the absorption of the entire LP communities from each integrated protocol into the Turtle Protocol. This aggregation culminates in the formation of what could become the largest LP community worldwide, revolutionizing the landscape of decentralized liquidity provision and Turtle’s collective bargaining power.

Unforkable Turtle USPs

Turtle's groundbreaking API stands as an insurmountable fortress against forking attempts. Its intricacies require monumental effort and complexity for reverse engineering, ensuring unrivaled protection and exclusivity.

Moreover, Turtle LPs and Turtle Partner Protocols are not just participants; they become integral contributors, receiving Turtle emissions and, consequently, a vested upside and influence within the decentralized liquidity and TurtleDAO.

At the core of Turtle lies our invaluable first mover advantage, established brand, and, most significantly, our robust relationships and thriving community. These elements are the bedrock of Turtle and stand impervious to any attempts at replication or forking.


Turtle presents a pioneering DeFi model that transcends conventional limitations. By fostering a positive-sum game, the platform ensures that every participant benefits, from developers to investors. Through innovative liquidity repurposing strategies, Turtle generates sustainable rewards, supporting both the TurtleDAO treasury and its users.

Introducing the concept of the 'phantom protocol,' Turtle offers users collective security and bargaining power without necessitating liquidity pooling or exposing them to additional counterparty risks. This innovative approach simplifies liquidity deployment, enhances security, reduces operational costs, and sets a new standard for efficiency and trust in the Web3 ecosystem.

As a neutral liquidity protocol, Turtle prioritizes optimal risk-adjusted yields for its users, irrespective of protocol allegiance. This flexibility ensures that Turtle remains agile in navigating evolving market conditions, ultimately redefining liquidity provision in Web3 to be more accessible, secure, and profitable for all stakeholders.

As Turtle charts the course towards a more inclusive, secure, and equitable Web3 ecosystem, we invite stakeholders to join us in this transformative journey. Together, we can shape the future of DeFi, fostering a landscape that prioritizes accessibility, security, and prosperity for all participants.

User can access through here: https://turtle.club/dashboard which involves signing a message and agreeing to our terms and conditions here, after which you instantly become eligible to receive turtle yield boost on all of the Turtle partner protocols.

Last updated