Introduction to Turtle.Club

What is Turtle.Club?

Turtle.Club is the first Phantom Liquidity Protocol that operates without smart contracts and provides the following benefits for members -

  • Exclusive Deals: Access to backroom liquidity deals to boost yields that a user would not normally have access to.

  • Sustainable Growth: Contribute to and benefit from the sustainable growth of partner protocols.

  • DAO Framework: Operate within a decentralized autonomous organization that realigns incentives among key Web3 stakeholders, including developers, LPs, venture capitalists, and auditors.

  • No Fees: Enjoy zero management and performance fees.

  • No Smart Contracts: Avoid the complexities and risks associated with smart contracts.

  • Self-Custody: Your funds remain entirely under your control.

  • Inclusive Access: Open to everyone, not just institutions or accredited investors.

  • Influence and Returns: Gain vested interest and influence in partner protocols, boosting your yields.

We are a Phantom Liquidity Protocol because we have no smart contracts.

Turtle aims to align the incentives amongst key DeFi players, Liquidity Providers (LPs), Developers, Venture Capitalists, Security Auditors, and Miners.

The core mission of Turtle.Club is to offer a safeguarding layer in DeFi, ensuring that liquidity is deployed with transparency and due diligence, promoting superior risk-adjusted returns for all stakeholders while mitigating protocol and downside risks.

How does Turtle.Club Work?

Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers (LP) only need to register their wallet with Turtle.Club by signing a message to accept the terms and conditions. After which, LPs continue their normal activities with protocols. If protocols are partners with Turtle.Club, LPs generates 5% to 50% of additional token emissions which are sent to the TurtleDAO Treasury. LP's will be issued with Turtle Tokens based off the amount of emissions they helped the TurtleDAO receive.


Turtle.Club is pay to play for protocols. Protocols provide the yield as a catalyst to kick off the Turtle Flywheel.

The mission of the Turtle.Club is to acquire as many tokens in our Partner Protocols as possible. And thus have a large incentive to help and support them to grow.

Why would Protocol Partners work with us? Because we help them retain and grow their existing liquidity base. Protocols also receive a share of Turtle tokens which ensures they can participate in the TurtleDAO.

How is Turtle Club Safe?

  • Never acts as a counterparty in any LP transaction within Web3. You deposit in the protocols themselves

  • Never controls or handles members’ liquidity, ensuring utmost security and autonomy.

The absence of smart contracts offers several advantages for Turtle:

  • Maintaining agility and adaptability, seamlessly integrating with various protocols without added complexity.

  • Minimizing technical debt and counterparty risk by eliminating an additional smart contract layer.

  • Reducing gas fees for depositing and withdrawing funds from partner protocols.

  • Mitigating regulatory risks associated because turtle does not hold your funds.

Enhanced Security for TurtleProtocols

We have partnerships with ConsenSys Diligence,, Code4Arena, and Creed and our in-house auditing team/community. The Turtle takes proactive security measures to safeguard the funds of our LPs and the broader Web3 community.

We are committed to close collaboration with protocol partners to develop robust and resilient Web3 Lego Blocks.

Referrals - Ending the Era of self referrals

Turtle Referral Codes marks a transformative shift offering our community an extra opportunity to support TurtleDAO while earning Turtle points alongside the Turtle Yield Boost. In a regular referral scheme, LPs received no rewards when using someone's referral code. Turtle LPs can now earn additional Turtle points by utilizing Turtle referral codes, by using a Turtle referral code, you earn back part of what the TurtleDAO treasury earns from your use of the referral code. This means you earn from-

  • Regular earnings as an LP

  • Additional Boost as a Turtle member

  • Your contribution as a referral code user

By combining both Turtle Referral Codes and the Turtle Yield Boost, LPs multiply their contributions to the TurtleDAO, leading to a higher accumulation of Turtle points.

Last updated